Comisia de revizuire a Constitutiei a adoptat, marti, cu unannimitate de voturi, un amendament care interzice aplicarea de rele tratamente animalelor, aceste comportamente fiind definite potrivit legii.
Discutiile au pornit de la un amendament propus de Forumul constitutional care prevedea: “Recunoscand animalele ca fiinte simtitoare si sensibile, care percep
suferinta fizica si psihica, sunt interzise relele tratamente aplicate animalelor, definite potrivit legii”.
In conditiile in care aceasta
formulare a starnit rasete printre membrii Comisiei de revizuire, unii considerand ca aceasta este inadmisibila pentru a se constitui intr-un text constitutional, deputatul Varujan Pambuccian a propus urmatoarea reformulare: “Sunt interzise relele tatamente aplicate animalelor, definite potrivit legii”.
Noua forma a amendamentului a intrunit unanimitatea voturilor membrilor Comisiei.
“Haideti, domnule si PSD-ul! Un pas spre reforma, un pas spre modernitate! Cand nimeni nu se mai astepta, nici macar Forumul, amendamentul a trecut in unanimitate. Iata ce ne apropie pe toti, putere, opozitie: dragostea fata de animale!”, a conchis presedintele Comisiei de revizuire, Crin Antonescu.
Constitution Review Commission adopted Tuesday with unannimitate vote, an amendment prohibiting ill-treatment of animals, these behaviors are defined by law.
Discussions have started a constitutional amendment proposed by the Forum which states: "Recognizing and sensitive animals as sentient beings who perceive physical and psychological suffering are prohibited ill-treatment of animals, as defined by law."
Given that this formulation has sparked laughter among the members of the review, some believing that it is unacceptable to be in a constitutional text, MP Varujan Pambuccian proposed the following rewording: "I am prohibited ill tatamente applied to animals as defined by law ".
The new form of the amendment has obtained the unanimous vote of members of the Commission.
"Come, sir, and PSD! A step towards reform, a step toward modernity! When no one expected, even Forum amendment passed unanimously. This is what keeps us together, power, opposition: love for animals, "concluded the chairman of the review, Crin Antonescu.