Rezumarea primului mesaj :Asociatia "Sufletul meu" s-a infiintat in 2005 si a inceput sa fuctioneze la capacitate maxima in scurt timp deoarece abandonul, necunoasterea fenomenului si nu in ultimul rand indiferenta oamenilor s-a ajuns la un numar mare de animalute ( catei, pisici ) abandonate pe strazile orasului Comanesti.
In prezent avem in ingrijire circa 930 de catei si in jur de 80 pisici.Pentru pisici avem amenajat o curte cu o casuta dotata cu etajere si un pat cu pernute, toate pisicile au fost salvate din locuri cu pericol pentru ele, fara stapan flamande si insetate. Pisicile adulte sunt sterlizate, deparazitate si isi asteapta stapanii iubitori.
Din 930 de catei circa 90 % sunt sterlizati, vaccinati si deparazitati. Avem custi individuale cat si tarcuri ingradite.
Conditiile pentru functionarea acestui adapost vrem si pot fi inbunatatite si cu ajutorul celor din jur cu suflet mare. Necesarul hranei il asiguram prin achizitionarea de carne bruta de la abatoare, zilnic fiind necesar 500- 700 kg de mancare fiarta sau 150 kg hrana uscata. Cand achizitionam o cantitate mai mare de carne decat consumul zilnic o pastram in camera frigorifica aflata in adapost.
Din pacate, cei mai multi iubesc animalele doar la nivelul declarativ. In cei sase ani am primit cereri de adoptie foarte putine in comparatie cu numarul de animalute aflate in adapost. Cei mai multi vor sa adopte un câine asa, temporar, ca o toana de moment. Pentru un animal adoptat trebuie ca pe lânga hrana si apa sa fii dispus sa-i acorzi afectiune.
La intretinerea, si ingrijirea acesti adapost din pacate lucreaza doar 3 oameni si am avea nevoie de mai multi voluntari.
Multumim pe aceasta cale tuturor celor care neau ajutat si sustinut prin efortul lor si asteptam si alti doritori sa ne viziteze sa se incarce cu energie pozitiva de la aceste animalute. Avem in adapostul nostru cei mai fericiti catei si pisici jucause si rasfatate.
Association "My Soul" was founded in 2005 and began work at full capacity soon as abandonment, ignorance of the phenomenon and not least indifferent people to come to a large number of pets (dogs, cats) abandoned on the streets Comanesti .
We currently have about 930 dogs in care and about 80 cats. For cats we have arranged a yard with a box equipped with shelves and a bed with cushions, all cats were rescued from dangerous places for them stray hungry and thirsty. Adult cats are sterlizate, dewormed and are waiting for loving owners.
Of 930 dogs are about 90% sterlizati, vaccinated and dewormed. We have individual cages and pens enclosed.
Conditions for operation of the shelter and we can be improved with the help of others with a big heart. We provide food needs by purchasing raw meat from slaughterhouses daily as required 500-700 kg of food cooked or 150 kg dry food. When you buy a larger quantity of meat than keeping a daily consumption in the refrigeration room located in the shelter.
Unfortunately, most people love animals just in words. In the six years we have received very few requests for adoption compared to the number of pets are in shelters. Most want to adopt a dog like that, temporarily, as a momentary mood. For an animal to be adopted in addition to food and water to be willing to pay her affection.
The maintenance and care of its shelter unfortunately only 3 people working and we need more volunteers.
We thank everyone who helped and supported by unauthorized their effort and we and others willing to visit us to charge with positive energy from these pets. We have our shelter dogs and cats happy most playful and spoiled.